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Rubber comes from trees. Wild rubber comes from wild trees throughout the Amazon rainforest. Our aim is to support communities who can transform the milk from lively trees into beautiful and useful biomaterials and products. We believe that local communities are key to keep the rainforest alive, we also believe in the power of fashion and design to value and appreciate this wonderful raw material to create unique pieces.


Only in the Amazon rainforest rubber trees grow wildly. Rubber tappers collect the latex, which is the sap of the trees in the deepness of the rainforest. The trees can be productive for generations.

Each family preserves between 300 and 500 hectares when they can make a living from this rainforest product. Because of this, rubber tappers are considered guardians ofthe Amazon rainforest.

The Wild Rubber stamp certificates that the company applies the wild rubber in their products, projects, or collection, support the productive conservancy of the Amazon rainforest.

The stamp also authenticates the production of small communities in the rainforest, testifying about the origin of the materials, and the socio-environmental impacts.

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We are a non-profit association.


We are a network of companies and professionals working with the purpose of promoting the wild rubber from the Amazon rainforest.


We share love for the Amazon rainforest and the wish to conserve it alive.


We understand the importance of supporting riverside communities to make a living from the sustainable products from the Amazon rainforest.

Our Purpose

Productive conservancy of the Amazonrainforest from the production of wild rubber.


Cooperatives, producers’ associations and families with technical capacity to produceinnovative types of wild rubber in the rainforestand to keep taking care of the Amazonrainforest.


Women and youth included in the productionchain, able to generate income from thesustainable production in the Amazon rainforest

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Our Approach

The Amazon Rainforest Wild Rubber stamp comprises a solidarityfund aiming to support rubber producers and local cooperatives tobuild capacities such as technical, entrepreneurial, administrative andfinancial from the received support /donation of certified companies, italso support the implementation of projects for structure, equipment,materials, logistics.


The funding measures socio environmental impacts, map the origins ofthe materials , authenticates materials and communities.

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The Wild Rubber stamp was founded bythe British model and actress Lily Cole in2013 after visiting the Amazon rainforestfor a jewellery project with Braziliandesigner Flavia Amadeu for Sky RainforestRescue (Sky TV + WWF-UK).

The WILD RUBBER™ has become recognised in the UK and abroad by professionals interested in sustainable materials.

Participation Requirements

Socio-environmental Impacts

In order to be certified, companies applying wild rubber in their products mustfollow the requirements below:

  • Being produced in the Amazon rainforest.

  • At least 5% of the rubber being from wild trees, which grow naturally in therainforest.

  • To follow good production practices (being ethical and sustainable).

  • Practice fair trade

  • The rubber should not being smoked during the rubber manufacture.

  • Ideally, the project/business should promote the inclusion of women and youthin the rubber production chain.

  • The production process and materials must be clean and non-toxic forproducers and users.

  • Productive conservancy of the Amazon rainforest.

  • Women and youth able to generate income in in theAmazon rainforest.

  • Rubber tappers able to keep their livelihood in therainforest.

  • Small entrepreneurship developed in local rainforestcommunities.

  • Reduction of carbon emissions / Carbon neutralised.

  • Local knowledge and culture preserved.

  • Professionalised cooperatives and associations ableto manage and commercialise the rubber productionas well as other non-wood products

  • Biodiversity conserved.

  • FSA (Folha Semi-Artefato)

  • FDL (Folha de Defumação Líquida)

  • TEA (Tecido Emborrachado da Amazônia)

  • MBS (Manta Branca Seca)

  • Vegetal laminated

  • Rubberised thread(Fio Emborrachado)

  • Texturised rubber

  • Wild rubber layers (encauchados)

Example of wild rubber which can be certified:

And others

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